Mind Blossom

  • Phone: +61 9997 9866
  • Email: booking@mindblossom.com.au
  • Address: Caroline Springs, VIC 3023
  • Nickname: mindblossom
  • Location: Caroline Springs, VIC 3023

Honors Degree in Psychology

Ilia has over 10 years experience practicing as a psychologists. Her degrees, trainings, experiences and personality contributed in her success as a senior psychologist over the years. Her clients find her a calm, compassionate, warm and friendly psychologist. She is an open-minded and sympathetic psychologist who has excellent communication skills. She provides clients with an accepting and comfortable atmosphere to share their concerns.

Being bilingual (English & Farsi) enables her to communicate with more than just English speaking people. Ilia was brought up in the Middle East. Therefore, she is familiar with various Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures as well as Western culture. Ilia has had unique and remarkable life experiences as an immigrant and a victim of domestic violence. She had overcome her life challenges and is a stronger woman who is ready to use her life lessons as well as psychology knowledge and skills to help her clients improve their lives.